

Is it school fees, tuition, scholastic materials or you are a low-income earner? None of the above should limit nor hinder your education or that of your children because Tleocd LTD has the best solution for you.  Register your children for membership today to have access to students’ school fees loan, scholastic materials on credit until your children complete their education, we are here to serve you. We deal with schools as a whole and at an individual basis.

For more information contact us through our Facebook page, TLEOCD LIMITED, WhatsApp phone number +14189535966, phone number: 0779-421-713 or by mail at

Students and new graduates are given access to start their new career at Tleocd Limited as they join our team of experts that values their ideals and opinions as they work strongly to shape the economy of our clients and country at large. New graduates will find a place on our team of experts that empowers them to build new skills as they share their bold ideas in order to make a real impact.

Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!